Winter Weather Maintenance for Renters and Property Owners

As the holiday season quickly approaches, so do colder temperatures! Winter weather brings along a unique set of challenges for homeowners, renters, and real estate investors alike. Many associate the season with family, friends, and food. However, there are some considerations we all must keep in mind to ensure that our family and friends – including the food shared – are all warm!  As the temperatures drop bringing snow and freezing rain, winter maintenance is vital to prevent increased energy costs, frozen pipes, and safety concerns.


Addressing items on the following checklists will provide everyone the best chance at a hassle-free winter season!

  • Consider buying a shovel to remove snow (if you don’t have one already).
  • Stock up on salt for ice remediation before you need it. Winter conditions often cause walkways and driveways to be slick – and as a result – a safety concern!
  • Consult your landlord or Property Management Company for snow removal information.
  • Renting a single-family home? Trim all tree branches away from the building. In a multi-family building?  Call your Property Manager, they need to know!  Freezing rain can accumulate and cause branches to break off causing damage to the property, your personal belongings, or cause a nuisance.  Be especially mindful of any branches that hang over the roof or touch the building.
  • Property Owners – Have a licensed professional assess the roof’s integrity. Any leaks within the roof can allow moisture in the attic, wreaking havoc on plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems.
  • Ensure that all gutters are free and clear of any leaves or debris. Clogged gutters make it difficult for ice to melt and drain. In the event this water cannot escape via downspouts, it will be forced in to any and all crevasses in the roof.

The above items provide a list to help keep your property safe, insulated, and moisture-free from the exterior. Below, you will find a list of actions tenants can take to keep interior systems running smoothly:

  • Keep heat on and plan to have the boiler or furnace system serviced and air filter changed.
  • Remember to check the batteries in your digital thermostat as this is a common reason for heating troubles!
  • Winterize water pipes to prevent them freezing as the temperature drops. Water expands as it freezes, causing pipes to burst!
  • Do not leave windows open for an extended period of time as this can affect pipes in the walls.
  • Ensure windows and doors are shut securely when not in use. Feel around the frames for any drafting air that may be entering your home and bring this to the attention of your landlord!


Depending on your area, winter weather may be more or less severe. Adhering to the above action list will give one the best chance at a worry-free (and warm) holiday season! Cold weather presents a myriad of potential problems, and accidents do happen! Remaining aware of the above items can prevent an unnecessary maintenance call that (more than likely) may take some time to address given the increased activity for maintenance professionals during these months! Communication between tenants and landlords is key to maintaining properties to the fullest extent during the winter months.